
Explore Boney's Powerful Budget Management Features

Boney is built to streamline your financial management without overcomplicating the process. Below, you'll find a comprehensive list of features that make Boney an essential tool for managing both personal and shared budgets. From tracking every expense and managing recurring costs to analyzing your overall financial health, Boney provides all the tools you need to stay in control of your finances. Discover how each feature can help you achieve financial clarity and efficiency.

Budget and Expense Management

Boney simplifies your personal finance management by offering powerful yet easy-to-use tools:

  • Share Budgets: Easily collaborate with others by sharing budgets, making group expense management a breeze.
  • Track All Expenses: Keep a detailed record of all your expenses by adding and categorizing them with just a few clicks.
  • Simplified Financial Management: Boney is designed to make budgeting simple, without overcomplicating your finances.

Budget managment

Global Aggregation Over Personal and Shared Budgets

Get a complete and unified view of your finances with Boney:

  • Unified Financial Overview: Boney aggregates all your personal and shared budgets, providing a comprehensive view of your financial health.
  • Total Expense Tracking: Every transaction counts, whether from shared or personal budgets, helping you maintain a global vision of your finances.
  • Holistic Financial Management: With Boney, managing multiple budgets across different contexts has never been easier, ensuring you stay in control of your overall financial situation.


Recurrent Expenses

Easily manage and predict recurring expenses with Boney:

  • Set and Track Recurring Expenses: Mark any expense as recurring, allowing Boney to automatically track and manage it for you.
  • Financial Forecasting and Goal Setting: Forecast future expenses and set financial goals, helping you plan for the long term with accuracy and ease.
  • Streamlined Recurring Payments: Whether it's monthly subscriptions or utility bills, Boney ensures that recurring expenses are always accounted for, helping you stay on top of your financial commitments.

Recurrent expenses

Advanced Share System

Simplify the process of managing shared expenses with Boney's advanced features:

  • Automatic Share Calculation: Boney makes it easy to allocate expenses by automatically calculating each person's share. You can even set fixed amounts for certain individuals.
  • Customizable Sharing Options: Allocate expenses based on predefined share weights, ensuring a fair and transparent distribution of costs among participants.
  • Effortless Shared Budgeting: Whether you're splitting rent with roommates or managing a group vacation, Boney's advanced share system ensures everyone pays their fair share.

Expense shares

Debts Calculation System

Manage and balance shared expenses with Boney's robust debt-tracking features:

  • Automatic Debt Tracking: Boney keeps track of who has spent more or less within a shared budget, providing a clear overview of outstanding debts.
  • Fair Expense Adjustment: Automatically adjust global spending to ensure that each participant's contribution is balanced, helping to avoid disputes and maintain financial harmony.
  • Simplified Debt Management: Boney takes the guesswork out of managing shared debts, offering a clear and easy way to settle up with others.

Expense shares

Advanced Analytics

Gain deep insights into your finances with Boney's advanced analytics tools:

  • Visual Financial Insights: Boney offers easy-to-understand graphs and visualizations to help you analyze your expenses and spending habits.
  • Individual and Global Budget Analysis: Whether you're looking at individual budgets or your overall financial performance, Boney provides detailed analytics to help you understand and optimize your spending.
  • Data-Driven Financial Decisions: Use Boney's analytics to make informed decisions about your finances, helping you save money and achieve your financial goals.


Conclusion: Simplify Your Financial Life with Boney

Boney offers a robust set of features designed to make budget management straightforward and effective. By combining global budget aggregation, easy expense tracking, and advanced sharing and debt calculation systems, Boney ensures that your financial management is as smooth as possible. The tool's intuitive interface and powerful analytics empower you to make informed decisions, whether you're managing personal finances or coordinating shared budgets. With Boney, you gain not just control over your finances, but also the peace of mind that comes with knowing your financial future is well-organized and clear.